var modalPop = ''; function certStudentPrompt(el) { const name = prompt("Enter student's name for certificate"); el.href += '&name=' + name; return true; } function addSlidePop(courseId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_slide_add&course_id=' + courseId, 'Add a new slide', '500px', 'auto');; return false; } function editSlidePop(slideId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_slide_edit&slide_id=' + slideId, 'Edit slide', '500px', 'auto', '',slideUploadFileUpdate,'','','','','alt');; return false; } function slidesRefresh() { const courseId = $('#course_id').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'manage-slides'); ajaxData.append('course_id', courseId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { const slides = $('#course_slides'); slides.html(dataObj.html); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (returnObj.responseText) { modalPop.hide(); alert('Error loading slide'); } }, complete: function() { } }); } function slideAdd(type) { const courseId = $('#course_id').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'manage-slides'); ajaxData.append('task', 'new'); ajaxData.append('type', type); ajaxData.append('course_id', courseId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { modalPop.hide(); setTimeout(function() { editSlidePop(dataObj.slideId); }, 500); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { //alert(returnObj.responseText); alert('There was problem adding this slide - please refresh and try again'); modalPop.hide(); }, complete: function() { } }); } function slideUploadFileUpdate() { setTimeout(function() { const update = $('#upload_file_name'); const modal = $('.modal_box'); const modalHeight = parseInt(modal.css('height')); const modalNewHeight = modalHeight + 50; $('.admin_content input[type="file"]').change(function(e){ var fileName =[0].name; if (fileName && fileName != '') { update.text('Selected file: ' + fileName); update.css('display', 'block'); var thisTrans = new bumbleTransitionObj(modalPop.modalContainer, 'height', modalHeight, modalNewHeight, 'px', 500, 'circ'); } }); }, 1000); } function slidesVidListen() { $('.course_slide_container > .vid_container > video')[0].addEventListener('ended', function(e) { $('.slide_all_done_msg').css('display','block'); slidesAdvance(); }, false); } function slidesAdvance() { const courseId = $('#course_id').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'course'); ajaxData.append('task', 'advance'); ajaxData.append('course_id', courseId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=me', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function bookingCalendarCreate() { const calendar = new bumbleCalendar('session_book_calendar','','','',false,'',true,false,bookingCalendarBook); } function bookingCalendarBook(event) { let triggerEl = (event.currentTarget) ? event.currentTarget : event.srcElement; let thisDate = triggerEl.getAttribute('data-cell-date'); if (!thisDate) { triggerEl = triggerEl.parentNode; thisDate = triggerEl.getAttribute('data-cell-date'); } bookingCalendarBookPop(thisDate); } function bookingCalendarBookPop(date) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_session_booking&date=' + date, 'Book a session', '500px', 'auto', '', refreshTimepick);; return false; } function refreshTimepick() { $('.timepicker').timepicki({ min_hour_value:0, max_hour_value:23, show_meridian:false, overflow_minutes:true, step_size_minutes:5 }); } function adminUsersArchive(e) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to archive this user?')) { = 'none'; const userId ='data-id'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'archive'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } return false; } function adminUsersPause(e) { $('red'); const userId ='data-id'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'pause'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function adminUsersDelete(e) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this user?')) { = 'none'; const userId ='data-id'); console.log(userId); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'delete'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } return false; } function adminReferralDelete(e) { const resultId ='data-id'); if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this referral?')) { const item =; const container = item.parentNode; // any more nodes in this container? if (container.childNodes.length <= 2) { // no... // remove previous sibling (the heading) container.previousSibling.parentNode.removeChild(container.previousSibling); // remove the container container.parentNode.removeChild(container); } else { // yes - remove the item item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'new-referrals'); ajaxData.append('task', 'delete'); ajaxData.append('result_id', resultId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } return false; } function getCurrentURLAction() { // Get the current URL var currentURL = window.location.href; // remove query stream currentURL = currentURL.split('?')[0]; // Split the URL by the slash ("/") character let urlParts = currentURL.split('/'); urlParts = urlParts.filter(value => value); // Get the last part of the URL (excluding any trailing slash) var lastPart = urlParts[urlParts.length - 1]; console.log(urlParts); return lastPart; } function adminReferralApprove(e) { const resultId ='data-id'); const item =; const container = item.parentNode; // any more nodes in this container? if (container.childNodes.length <= 2) { // no... // remove previous sibling (the heading) container.previousSibling.parentNode.removeChild(container.previousSibling); // remove the container container.parentNode.removeChild(container); } else { // yes - remove the item item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', getCurrentURLAction()); ajaxData.append('task', 'approve'); ajaxData.append('result_id', resultId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function adminReferralHold(e, onhold='1') { const resultId ='data-id'); const item =; const container = item.parentNode; // any more nodes in this container? if (container.childNodes.length <= 2) { // no... // remove previous sibling (the heading) container.previousSibling.parentNode.removeChild(container.previousSibling); // remove the container container.parentNode.removeChild(container); } else { // yes - remove the item item.parentNode.removeChild(item); } const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', getCurrentURLAction()); ajaxData.append('task', 'onhold'); ajaxData.append('onhold', onhold); ajaxData.append('result_id', resultId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function adminReferralContacted(e) { e.stopPropagation(); const dateCell =; const row = dateCell.parentNode; const userId ='data-id'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'referrals'); ajaxData.append('task', 'contacted'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { dateCell.innerHTML = dataObj.contactedDate;; row.className = 'row highlight'; }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function toggleSessionMissed(e, sessionId=0) { e.stopPropagation(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'sessions'); ajaxData.append('task', 'toggleMissed'); ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); $('amber'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function toggleCourseComplete(e, sessionId=0) { e.stopPropagation(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'sessions'); ajaxData.append('task', 'toggleComplete'); ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); $('rotate'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { console.log(dataObj); if (dataObj.complete == 'yes') { $('green'); } else { $('green'); } $('rotate'); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function adminCancelSession(sessionId, cancelAll='false', noSessions=1, cancelUrl) { let cancelAllStr = cancelAll && cancelAll == true ? 'true' : 'false'; if (cancelAllStr === 'true') { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to cancel this programme?')) { document.location.href = cancelUrl + 'booking-' + sessionId + '--task-cancelAll.html'; } return false; } let modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_session_cancel&no_sessions=' + noSessions + '&session_id=' + sessionId + '&cancel_all=' + cancelAllStr + '&cancel_url=' + cancelUrl, 'Log session cancellation', '500px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminCancelSessionAction(btn) { let log = btn.getAttribute('data-log'); let reason = btn.getAttribute('data-reason'); let reasonText = ''; if (reason == '4') { reasonText = document.getElementById('modal-cancel-reason').value; } if (reasonText) { reason += '--cancel_reason_other-' + reasonText; } let url = document.getElementById('modal-cancel-url').value; url += '--log-' + log + '--reason-' + reason + '.html'; //console.log(url); document.location.href = url; } function toggleSessionCancelled(e, sessionId=0) { e.stopPropagation(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'sessions'); ajaxData.append('task', 'toggleCancelled'); ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); $('purple'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); return false; } function changeURLPostCancel() { // change the URL after clicking 'cancel' or 'cancel all' // Get the current URL var currentURL = window.location.href; // Find the position of '--task-cancel' in the URL var index = currentURL.indexOf('--task-cancel'); // Check if '--task-cancel' is found in the URL if (index !== -1) { // Extract the portion of the URL before '--task-cancel' var newURL = currentURL.substring(0, index); // Change the URL without refreshing the page history.pushState({}, document.title, newURL); } } function checkLabel(e) { var self =; setTimeout(function() { if (self.checked) { $(self).parent('label').addClass('checked'); } else { $(self).parent('label').removeClass('checked'); } }, 100); } function adminReferrerAccess(uid) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=referrer_access&user_id=' + uid, 'Referrer access & Admin triage', '700px', 'auto', 'ajax');; } function adminReferrerAccessSave(uid) { const checked = $('input[name=referrer_access_user]:checked'); const triage = $('input[name=admin_triage]:checked'); const refId = []; $.each(checked, function(key, item) { refId.push($(item).val()); }); refIdStr = refId.join(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'referrer_access'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', uid); const newTriage = triage.val(); ajaxData.append('admin_triage', newTriage); ajaxData.append('ref_id_str', refIdStr); const newTriageDetails = triageAdmin[newTriage]; const triageCell = $('td[data-triage='+ uid + ']'); let newTriageHTML = ''; if (newTriageDetails && newTriageDetails.colour) { newTriageHTML = "
" + + "
"; } triageCell.html(newTriageHTML); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function(data) { } }); } function searchBin(el) { setTimeout(function() { if (el.value == '') { return $('div[data-name]').show(); } $('div[data-name]').hide(); $('div[data-name*=' + el.value + ' i]').show(); }, 50); } function viewFormSubmission(resultId, title='Form submission') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=form_submission&result_id=' + resultId, title, '700px', 'auto', 'ajax');; return false; } function adminReferralTriage(e) { const resultId ='data-id'); title = 'Admin triage'; modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=referral_triage&result_id=' + resultId, title, '700px', 'auto', 'ajax');; return false; } function adminReferralView(e, referralUserId) { const resultId ='data-id'); let title ='title'); if (!title || title == '') { title = 'Submission details'; } if (referralUserId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=form_submission&referral_user_id=' + referralUserId, title, '700px', 'auto', 'ajax'); } else { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=form_submission&result_id=' + resultId, title, '700px', 'auto', 'ajax'); }; return false; } function adminChangeContactedDates(userId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_change_contacted_dates&user_id=' + userId, 'Contact attempts', '500px', 'auto', 'ajax');; } function coachChangeContactedDates(userId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=coach_change_contacted_dates&user_id=' + userId, 'Coach contact attempts', '500px', 'auto', 'ajax');; } function coachChangeContactAction(userId) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'coach_change_contacted_dates'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('contacted_1', $('#modal_contact_1').val()); ajaxData.append('contacted_2', $('#modal_contact_2').val()); ajaxData.append('contacted_3', $('#modal_contact_3').val()); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { const contacted_el = document.getElementById('contacted_str_' + userId); contacted_el.innerHTML = dataObj.str; modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function(data) { } }); } function adminUsersChangeContactAction(userId) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users_change_contacted_dates'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('contacted_1', $('#modal_contact_1').val()); ajaxData.append('contacted_2', $('#modal_contact_2').val()); ajaxData.append('contacted_3', $('#modal_contact_3').val()); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { const familyGroupId =; const cell = $('td[data-contacted-group-id=' + familyGroupId + ']'); cell.html(dataObj.str); if (parseInt(dataObj.attempts) >= 3) { cell.parent().addClass('red'); } modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function(data) { } }); } //function function adminChangeTermsSubmitted(userId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_change_terms_submitted&user_id=' + userId, 'Terms submitted', '500px', 'auto', 'ajax');; } function adminChangeTermsAction(userId) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users_change_terms_submitted'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('terms_submitted', $('#modal_terms_submitted').val()); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { const familyGroupId =; const cell = $('td[data-terms-group-id=' + familyGroupId + ']'); cell.html(dataObj.str); modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function(data) { } }); } function adminToggleImportant(e) { const parentRow =; const familyId = parentRow.getAttribute('data-family-id'); const userId = parentRow.getAttribute('data-user-id'); const tableRow = $('tr[data-family-id="' + familyId + '"]'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'referrals'); ajaxData.append('task', 'important'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); tableRow.css('opacity', '0.5'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { if ($(parentRow).hasClass('important')) { tableRow.removeClass('important'); } else { tableRow.addClass('important'); } } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { tableRow.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } function refPauseChangeArea() { if (typeof pauseData == 'undefined') return; const data = pauseData; const area = $('#referrer-pause-area').val(); const refs = $('input[data-org]'); const courses = $('input[data-course]'); refs.prop('checked', true); courses.prop('checked', true); if (data) { if (data.ref && data.ref[area]) { for (const org of data.ref[area]) { $('input[data-org="' + addslashes(org) + '"').prop('checked', false); } } if ( &&[area]) { for (const course of[area]) { $('input[data-course="' + addslashes(course) + '"').prop('checked', false); } } $('#ref-pause-data').val(JSON.stringify(data)); } } function changeAreaRef(el, refOrCourse='ref') { const data = pauseData; const area = $('#referrer-pause-area').val(); const rootObj = data[refOrCourse]; if (!rootObj[area]) { rootObj[area] = []; } const org = refOrCourse === 'ref' ? el.getAttribute('data-org') : el.getAttribute('data-course'); const orgIndex = rootObj[area]?.indexOf(org);// && rootObj[area]?.indexOf(org) >= 0 ? rootObj[area]?.indexOf(org) : -1; console.log(rootObj[area]); console.log(org); console.log(orgIndex); if (el.checked && orgIndex >= 0) { delete rootObj[area][orgIndex]; } else if (!el.checked && orgIndex < 0) { rootObj[area].push(org); } rootObj[area] = rootObj[area]?.filter(function(){return true}); console.log(data); $('#ref-pause-data').val(JSON.stringify(data)); } function newRefFilter() { const rows = $('.row'); rows.removeClass('hidden'); const sections = $('.admin_users_container'); sections.removeClass('hidden'); $('h2').removeClass('hidden'); const ccg = $('#filter_ccg').val(); if (ccg != '') { $('.row[data-ccg!="' + addslashes(ccg) + '"]').addClass('hidden'); } const ref = $('#filter_referred_from').val(); if (ref != '') { $('.row[data-ref!="' + addslashes(ref) + '"]').addClass('hidden'); } sections.each(function() { const visibleChildren = $(this).find('.row').not('.hidden'); if (visibleChildren.length === 0) { $(this).addClass('hidden'); $(this).prev('h2').addClass('hidden'); } }); } function userFilterCCG(e) { const link =; if (link === link.parentNode.firstElementChild) { $('.filter_ccg a').removeClass('active'); $(link).addClass('active'); } else { $('.filter_ccg a').first().removeClass('active'); $(link).toggleClass('active'); } if ($('.filter_ccg a +').length === 0) { $('.filter_ccg a').first().addClass('active'); } referralApplyFilter(); } var filterCourse = ''; var filterRef = ''; var filterSchool = ''; function userFilterByCourse() { const course = $('#filter_course'); filterCourse = course.val(); const ref = $('#filter_referred_from'); filterRef = ref.val(); const type = $('#filter_school_type'); filterSchool = type.val(); referralApplyFilter(); } function referralApplyFilter() { const filterCCG = []; $('tr[data-ccg]').css('display','table-row'); if ($('.filter_ccg a').first().hasClass('active') === false) { $('.filter_ccg a').each(function() { if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { filterCCG.push($(this).attr('data-ccg')); } }); } if (filterCCG.length > 0) { $('tr[data-ccg]').css('display','none'); for (const thisCCG of filterCCG) { $("tr.row[data-ccg='" + thisCCG + "']").css('display','table-row'); } } if (filterCourse != '') { if (filterCourse === '6week' || filterCourse === '12week') { const courseArr = []; const options = $('#filter_course > option'); options.each(function() { let thisType = $(this).attr('data-course-type'); let thisCourse = $(this).attr('value'); if (typeof courseArr[thisType] === 'undefined') { courseArr[thisType] = []; } courseArr[thisType].push(thisCourse); }); $("tr.row").each(function() { let thisId = $(this).attr('data-course-id'); let thisCourseArr = filterCourse === '6week' ? courseArr['6'] : courseArr['12']; if (!thisId || thisCourseArr.indexOf(thisId) === -1) { $(this).css('display','none'); } }); return; } $("tr.row[data-course-id!='" + filterCourse + "']").css('display','none'); } if (filterSchool && filterSchool != '') { console.log(filterSchool); $("tr.row[data-school-type!='" + filterSchool + "']").css('display','none'); } if (typeof filterRef != 'undefined' && filterRef != '') { console.log(filterRef); $("tr.row[data-referrer!='" + filterRef + "']").css('display','none'); } if ($('#filter_cancelled_cancelled')[0].checked == true) { $("tr.row td[data-cancelled='false']").parent().css('display','none'); } const coach = $('#filter_coach').val(); if (coach != '') { $("tr.row td[data-coach]").each(function() { if ($(this).attr('data-coach') != coach) { $(this).parent().css('display','none'); } }); } } function referralsPopulateCourses(courses={}) { const coursesArr = Object.entries(courses); const select = $('#filter_course'); for (const [courseName, courseId] of coursesArr) { let o = new Option(courseName, courseId); if (courseName.substring(0,1) === '6') { o.setAttribute('data-course-type', '6'); } if (courseName.substring(0,2) === '12') { o.setAttribute('data-course-type', '12'); } select.append($(o)); } } function adminUsersGeneratePassword(e) { let userId ='data-id'); if (!userId || userId == null) { userId ='data-id'); } if (confirm("Do you wish to email the user a new password?")) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'generatepw'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } return false; } function userMissSession(sessionId) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=me&category=miss-session&session_id=' + sessionId, 'Miss this session', '500px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminUsersChangePassword(e, redir=false) { let userId ='data-id'); if (!userId || userId == null) { userId ='data-id'); } //console.log('/?page_type=admin&action=users_change_password&user_id=' + userId); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_change_password&redir=' + redir + '&user_id=' + userId, 'Change password', '500px', 'auto', null, function() { $('#modal_password')[0].focus(); });; return false; } function adminUsersChangePasswordAction(userId, redir=false) { console.log(userId); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'changepw'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('password', $('#modal_password').val()); ajaxData.append('confirm', $('#modal_confirm').val()); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); if (redir) { window.location.href='/'; } } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminDoCheckIn(userId, callBack) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'check-in'); ajaxData.append('task', 'check-in'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); console.log(userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { callBack(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminCheckedIn(el) { //if (confirm('Have you checked in with this user?')) { const userId = $(el).attr('data-id'); const item = $(el).parent().parent().parent(); item.css('opacity', 0.5); adminDoCheckIn(userId, function() { const container = item.parent(); const containerDone = $('.checkin-container.done'); const containerDue = $('.checkin-container.due'); const moveTo = container.hasClass('due') ? containerDone : containerDue; moveTo.append(item); containerDone.find('.round-icon.icon-approve').removeClass('icon-approve').addClass('icon-restore').attr('title', 'Not checked in'); containerDue.find('.round-icon.icon-restore').removeClass('icon-restore').addClass('icon-approve').attr('title', 'Checked in'); item.css('opacity', 1); }); //} return false; } function adminUsersEditUser(e) { const userId ='data-id'); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_edit_user&user_id=' + userId, 'Edit user', '500px', 'auto','',function() { makeColourPickers(); refreshSelects(); });; return false; } function adminUsersAddUser(e, accountType) { const userId ='data-id'); let userIdStr = ''; if (userId && userId > 0) { userIdStr = '&parent_id=' + userId; } modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_edit_user&type=' + accountType + userIdStr, 'Add user', '500px', 'auto','',function() { makeColourPickers(); });; return false; } function adminUsersEditUserAction(userId) { console.log(userId); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save_user'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('username', $('#modal_username').val()); ajaxData.append('relationship', $('#modal_relationship').val()); ajaxData.append('dob', $('#modal_dob').val()); let checked = $('#modal_parents_taking_programme').is(":checked") ? 1 : 0; ajaxData.append('parents_taking_programme', checked); ajaxData.append('firstname', $('#modal_firstname').val()); ajaxData.append('surname', $('#modal_surname').val()); ajaxData.append('school_id', $('#modal_school_id').val()); ajaxData.append('school_name', $('#modal_school_name').val()); ajaxData.append('school_number', $('#modal_school_number').val()); ajaxData.append('school_type', $('#modal_school_type').val()); ajaxData.append('lead_name', $('#modal_lead_name').val()); ajaxData.append('email', $('#modal_email').val()); ajaxData.append('tel_day', $('#modal_phone').val()); ajaxData.append('address', $('#modal_address').val()); ajaxData.append('address_2', $('#modal_address_2').val()); ajaxData.append('town', $('#modal_town').val()); ajaxData.append('county', $('#modal_county').val()); ajaxData.append('postcode', $('#modal_postcode').val()); ajaxData.append('parent_id', $('#parent_id').val()); ajaxData.append('type', $('#modal_type').val()); ajaxData.append('colour', $('#modal_colour').val()); ajaxData.append('referrer_id', $('#modal_referrer_id').val()); ajaxData.append('referred_from', $('#modal_referred_from').val()); ajaxData.append('ccg_area', $('#modal_ccg').val()); ajaxData.append('business', $('#modal_organisation').val()); ajaxData.append('programmes_delim', $('#modal_programmes').val()); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { if (dataObj.parentId && dataObj.parentId > 0) { location.href = + '&open=' + dataObj.parentId + '#user' + dataObj.parentId; } else { location.reload(); } } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminUsersEditCourses(e) { const userId ='data-id'); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=users_edit_courses&user_id=' + userId, 'Course allocation', '700px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminUsersSaveCourses(userId) { console.log(userId); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'users'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save_courses'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); let manageUsers = $('#manage_users_delim').val(); let manageUsersArr = manageUsers.split(','); $.each(manageUsersArr, function(key, thisUserId) { let thisEl = 'courses_' + thisUserId; let thisElVal = ''; $("input[data-parent-id='" + userId + "'][data-user-id='" + thisUserId + "']").each(function() { if (this.checked && this.getAttribute('data-course-id') != 'undefined') { thisElVal += this.getAttribute('data-course-id') + ','; } }); ajaxData.append(thisEl, thisElVal); }); ajaxData.append('funded', $('#modal_funded')[0].checked ? 1 : 0); let ticks = $('.modal_course_tick[data-parent-course=1]:checked'); let tickIds = ''; ticks.each(function() { tickIds += $(this).attr('data-id') + ','; }); ajaxData.append('tick_ids', tickIds); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminCalendarSessionCreate(date='', time='', coachId='', weeks='') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_edit&coach_id=' + coachId + '&date=' + date + '&time=' + time + '&weeks=' + weeks + '¤t_page=calendar', 'New booking', '800px', '515px', '', function() { refreshTimepick(); refreshSelects(); } );; return false; } function adminSessionEdit(e, width='800', rebook='0') { let sessId ='data-event-data') ?'data-event-data') :'data-id'); if (!sessId) { sessId ='data-event-data'); } const coachId = $('#sessions_coach_id').val(); if (rebook == '1') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_edit&rebook_id=' + sessId + '&coach_id=' + coachId, 'Repeat/rebook programme', width + 'px', '515px', '', function() { refreshTimepick(); adminSessionChangeUser(); adminSessionPopulateWeek(); refreshSelects(); } ); } else { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_edit&session_id=' + sessId + '&coach_id=' + coachId, 'Edit booking', width + 'px', '515px', '', function() { refreshTimepick(); adminSessionChangeUser(); adminSessionPopulateWeek(); refreshSelects(); } ); }; return false; } function adminSessionPopulateWeek() { const weekEl = $('#session_week_id'); if (weekEl && weekEl.length > 0) { const weekContainer = $('#session_week_id_container'); const selectEl = $('#session_slide_id'); const selectElSelected = selectEl.find('option:selected'); const selectedCourse = selectElSelected.attr('data-course-id'); const weekOptions = weekEl.find('option[data-course-id="' + selectedCourse + '"]'); weekEl.val(''); if (selectedCourse > 0 && weekOptions.length > 0) { weekContainer.css('display', 'block'); weekEl.find('option').css('display', 'none'); weekEl.find('option').prop('disabled', true); weekOptions.css('display', 'initial'); weekOptions.prop('disabled', false); weekEl[0].selectedIndex = weekOptions[0].index; weekEl.trigger('change.select2'); } else { weekContainer.css('display', 'none'); } } } function adminSessionChangeUser() { const childContainer = $('#session_child_id_container'); const selectEl = $('#session_user_id'); const selectElSelected = selectEl.find('option:selected'); const selectedType = selectElSelected.attr('data-type'); const parentId = selectEl.val(); console.log(parentId); const selectedId = selectEl.attr('data-selected-id'); const selectedParentId = selectEl.attr('data-selected-parent-id'); const childSelectEl = $('#session_child_id'); const childOptions = childSelectEl.find('option[data-parent-id="' + parentId + '"]'); const firstChild = childOptions.length > 0 ? childOptions[0].index : 0; console.log('parentId=' + parentId + ' length=' + childOptions.length); if (parentId > 0 && childOptions.length > 0) { childContainer.css('display', 'block'); switch(selectedType) { case "2.0": childContainer.find('label').text('Class'); break; default: childContainer.find('label').text('Family member'); } childSelectEl.find('option + option').css('display', 'none'); childSelectEl.find('option + option').prop('disabled', true); childOptions.css('display', 'initial'); childOptions.prop('disabled', false); if (selectedParentId != childOptions[0].getAttribute('data-parent-id')) { childSelectEl[0].selectedIndex = firstChild; } else { childOptions.each(function() { if ($(this).val() == selectedId) { $(this).prop("selected",true); return false; } }); } } else { /* if (selectedId > 0) { selectEl[0].value = selectedId; } */ childSelectEl[0].selectedIndex = 0; childContainer.css('display', 'none'); } refreshSelects(); } function adminViewNotes(userId, width='700') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=notes_view&user_id=' + userId, 'Notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminNotesEdit(e, width='700') { const userId ='data-id'); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=notes_edit&user_id=' + userId, 'Edit notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminAdminNotesEdit(e, width='700') { const userId ='data-id'); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=admin_notes_edit&user_id=' + userId, 'Admin notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminSafeguardingNotesEdit(userId) { console.log(userId); const width = 700; modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=safeguarding_notes_edit&user_id=' + userId, 'Safeguarding notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminCheckinNotes(uid) { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=checkin_notes&user_id=' + uid, 'Check-in notes', '700px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminSessionViewNotes(sessionId, width='700') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_notes_view&session_id=' + sessionId, 'Notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function sessionViewNotes(sessionId, width='700') { modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_notes_view&session_id=' + sessionId, 'Session notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function sessionViewNotesUpdate() { let notesSelect = $('#notes_select_session'); const selectedOption = notesSelect[0].selectedIndex; notesSelect.css('opacity', 0.2); const sessionId = notesSelect.val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); const notesContainer = $('#modal_notes_content'); ajaxData.append('action', 'session_notes_view'); ajaxData.append('task', 'get_notes'); ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { notesContainer.html(dataObj.notes); notesSelect = $('#notes_select_session'); modalPop.resizeHeight(function() { setTimeout(function() { let notesSelect = $('#notes_select_session'); notesSelect.prop('selectedIndex', selectedOption); notesSelect.css('opacity', 1); }, 100); }); }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { if (returnObj.responseText) { alert('Error loading notes'); notesSelect.css('opacity', 1); } } }); } function adminSessionNotesEdit(e, width='700') { const sessionId ='data-id'); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_notes_edit&session_id=' + sessionId, 'Edit notes', width + 'px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminNotesSave() { const userId = $('#modal_user_id').val(); const notes = $('#modal_notes').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'notes_edit'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('notes', notes); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminSafeguardingNotesSave() { const userId = $('#modal_user_id').val(); const notes = $('#modal_notes').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'safeguarding_notes_edit'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('notes', notes); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, scriptCharset: "utf-8", success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminAdminNotesSave(trigger) { trigger.disabled = true; = '7'; let container = trigger.parentNode.parentNode; = '0.5'; const userId = $('#modal_user_id').val(); const notes = $('#modal_notes').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'admin_notes_edit'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('notes', notes); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { = '1'; = '1'; } }); } function adminCheckinNotesSave() { const userId = $('#modal_user_id').val(); const notes = $('#modal_notes').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'checkin_notes'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('notes', notes); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { const item = $('#checkin_user_' + userId); const container = item.parent(); if (container.hasClass('due') && confirm('Would you now like to archive this user?')) { adminDoCheckIn(userId, function() { const moveTo = $('.checkin-container.done'); moveTo.append(item); item.find('.round-icon.icon-approve').removeClass('icon-approve').addClass('icon-restore').attr('title', 'Not checked in'); }); } modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminSessionNotesSave() { const sessionId = $('#modal_session_id').val(); const notes = $('#modal_notes').val(); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'session_notes_edit'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save'); ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); ajaxData.append('notes', notes); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, scriptCharset: "utf-8", success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function inboxAdminMarkRead(userId) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'inbox'); ajaxData.append('task', 'read'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); const link = $('.inbox-row > a[data-id=' + userId + ']'); link.parent().removeClass('active'); link.find('span').css('display','none');'*').remove(); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, scriptCharset: "utf-8", success: function(dataObj) { }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function inboxAdminMarkUnRead(userId) { const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('action', 'inbox'); ajaxData.append('task', 'unread'); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); const link = $('.inbox-row > a[data-id=' + userId + ']'); link.parent().addClass('active'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, scriptCharset: "utf-8", success: function(dataObj) { }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminSessionEditVid(e) { const sessId ='data-event-data') ?'data-event-data') :'data-id'); console.log(sessId); modalPop = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=admin&action=session_edit&session_id=' + sessId, 'Edit video link', '500px', 'auto');; return false; } function adminSessionEditSave(sessionId, callback=false) { console.log(sessionId); const ajaxData = new FormData(); const rebooking = $('#session_rebooking').val() == '1' ? '1' : '0'; ajaxData.append('action', 'sessions'); ajaxData.append('task', 'save_session'); if (rebooking != '1') { ajaxData.append('session_id', sessionId); } ajaxData.append('user_id', $('#session_user_id').val()); ajaxData.append('child_id', $('#session_child_id').val()); ajaxData.append('slide_id', $('#session_slide_id').val()); ajaxData.append('rebooking', rebooking); ajaxData.append('course_id', $('#session_slide_id > option:selected').attr('data-course-id')); if ($('#session_week_id').length > 0) { ajaxData.append('week_id', $('#session_week_id').val()); } ajaxData.append('date', $('#session_date').val()); ajaxData.append('time', $('#timepicker').val()); ajaxData.append('type', $('#session_method').val()); ajaxData.append('call_url', $('#call_url').val()); ajaxData.append('coach', $('#session_coach').val()); let recurring = $('#session_recurring'); if (recurring.length > 0 && recurring[0].checked) { ajaxData.append('recurring', 1); } $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { modalPop.hide(); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } else location.reload(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { } }); } function adminToggleUserArchive(e) { const tableRow = $(; const userId ='data-id'); const reason ='data-reason'); const colour ='data-colour'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); tableRow.css('opacity', '0.5'); ajaxData.append('action', 'referrals'); ajaxData.append('task', 'toggle_archive'); if (reason) { ajaxData.append('reason', reason); } ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else if (colour && colour != '' && colour != 'undefined') { if (colour == 'red') { tableRow.removeClass('amber'); } else if (colour == 'amber') { tableRow.removeClass('red'); } tableRow.toggleClass(colour); } else { tableRow.remove(); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { tableRow.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } function adminBinAction(e) { e.preventDefault(); const container = $(; const id ='data-id'); const userId ='data-user-id'); const cancelled ='data-cancelled'); const action ='data-action'); if (action == 'delete') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this session?')) return; } if (action == 'restore') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to restore this session?')) return; } if (action == 'restoreAll') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to restore all sessions for this user?')) return; } if (action == 'restoreUser') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to restore this user profile?')) return; } if (action == 'deleteUser') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this user?')) return; } container.css('opacity', '0.5'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('id', id); ajaxData.append('user_id', userId); ajaxData.append('cancelled', cancelled); ajaxData.append('task', action); ajaxData.append('action', 'bin'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else if (action != 'restoreAll') { container.remove(); } else { $('.round-icon[data-user-id=' + userId + ']').each(function() { $(this).parent().parent().remove(); }); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { container.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } function forumAction(e) { const tableRow = $(; const status = tableRow.first('td').find('div'); const id ='data-id'); const action ='data-action'); if (action == 'delete-thread') { if (!confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete this conversation?')) return; } const sticky = status.hasClass('sticky') ? 0 : 1; const closed = status.hasClass('closed') ? 0 : 1; tableRow.css('opacity', '0.5'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('id', id); ajaxData.append('task', action); ajaxData.append('sticky', sticky); ajaxData.append('closed', closed); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=forum', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { switch(action) { case "sticky": status.toggleClass('sticky'); break; case "lock": status.toggleClass('closed'); break; case "delete-thread": tableRow.remove(); break; } } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { tableRow.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } function forumToggleRemove(e, postId) { const container = $(; const msg = container.find('.forum-post-reply-text'); container.css('opacity', '0.5'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('id', postId); ajaxData.append('task', 'toggle-remove-post'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=forum', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { $(; msg.html(dataObj.message); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { container.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } function adminSwitchUser(uid) { document.location.href='/?action=sitelogin&uid=' + uid; return false; } function analyticsChangeFilters() { const select1 = $('#analytics-organisation'); const select2 = $('#analytics-course'); const select3 = $('#analytics-ccg'); const org = select1.val() || ''; const course = select2.val() || ''; const ccg = select3.val() || ''; let qs = 'organisation=' + org; qs += '&course_type=' + course; qs += '&ccg_area=' + ccg; qs += $('#analytics-qs')?.val(); document.location.href = '/admin/analytics/?' + qs; return false; } function analyticsDownload() { const select = $('#analytics-organisation'); const org = select.val(); const qs = 'organisation=' + org + $('#analytics-qs').val(); document.location.href = '/?page_type=analytics&' + qs; return false; } function forumReportPost(e, postId) { if (confirm('Do you wish to report this post to our moderators?')) { const container = $(; const msg = container.find('.forum-post-reply-text'); container.css('opacity', '0.5'); const ajaxData = new FormData(); ajaxData.append('id', postId); ajaxData.append('task', 'report-post'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=forum', type: 'post', data: ajaxData, dataType: 'json', cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(dataObj) { if (dataObj.error && dataObj.error != '') { alert(dataObj.error); } else { $('
' + dataObj.linkText + '
'); } }, error: function(returnObj, textStatus, errorThrown) { alert(returnObj.responseText); }, complete: function() { container.css('opacity', '1'); } }); } } function adminCalendarCreate(bookingData) { const calendarObj = document.getElementById('admin_bookings_calendar'); calendarObj.bumbleCalendar = new bumbleCalendar('admin_bookings_calendar','','','',false,'',true,false,''); adminCalendarPopulate(bookingData); } function adminCalendarPopulate(bookingData) { const calendarObj = document.getElementById('admin_bookings_calendar'); const calendar = calendarObj.bumbleCalendar; calendar.clearEvents(true); const calData = JSON.parse(bookingData); num = calData.length; for (var x=0; x < num; x++) { let thisDate = calData[x].date.replace(/\D/g,''); let lastDate = calData[x].last; let thisStr = calData[x].time; if (calData[x].name && calData[x].name != '' && calData[x].name != ' ' && calData[x].name != 'null') { thisStr += '
' + calData[x].name; if (calData[x].title && calData[x].title != '' && calData[x].title != ' ' && calData[x].title != 'null') { thisStr += ' - ' + calData[x].title; } thisStr += ''; } if (lastDate) { thisStr += '
Last session: '; thisStr += lastDate; thisStr += '
'; } if (calData[x].coach && calData[x].coach != '' && calData[x].coach != ' ' && calData[x].coach != 'null') { thisStr += '
Coach: ' + calData[x].coach + '
'; } let thisClass = calData[x].status.toLowerCase(); calendar.addEvent(thisDate, thisDate, thisStr, calData[x].session_id, thisClass, '', adminSessionEdit, '', false, calData[x].colour); } calendar.populateMonthSelect(); calendar.populateDays(1); } function adminBookingsCalendarUserChange(userSelect) { const userId = userSelect.value; = '0.5'; $('#admin_bookings_calendar').css('opacity', '0.5'); $.ajax({ url: '/?page_type=admin&action=calendar&uid=' + userId, type: 'POST', cache: false, processData: false, contentType: false, complete: function() { = '1'; $('#admin_bookings_calendar').css('opacity', '1'); }, success: function(data) { adminCalendarPopulate(data); }, error: function(obj,errorStr) { alert('There was a problem updating the calendar'); console.log(errorStr); } }); } var popQuestionsScore = 0; function questionsWizard() { $('.question_wizard > a').click(function() { let thisAnswer = $(this).text(); let slide = $(''); let slideKey = slide.attr('data-key'); let answers = $('#questions_wizard_answers'); answers.val(answers.val() + slideKey + '=' + thisAnswer + '&'); if (thisAnswer == 'Yes') { popQuestionsScore++; } slide.removeClass('active'); if (slideKey < 4) {'div').addClass('active'); } else { $.ajax({url: "/?page_type=questions_response&" + answers.val()}); window.setTimeout(function() { /* if (popQuestionsScore >= 3) { window.location.href = '/shop/courses/6-steps-to-resilience/'; } else { window.location.href = '/holistic-therapies/'; } */ window.location.href = '/thanks/'; }, 500); modalPop.hide(); } }); } function homeLogin() { let modal = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_login', 'My NOW', '500px', '400px');; return false; } function homeSignup() { let modal = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_signup', 'Let\'s get started', '500px', '550px', '','','','','','','alt');; return false; } function contentModal(pageName, title) { let modal = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_content&page=' + pageName, title, '600px', 'auto', '','','','','','','alt');; return false; } function modalVideo(contentId) { let modal = new bumbleBox('/?page_type=modal_video&id=' + contentId, '', '100%', 'auto');; return false; } function modalIframe(src='',title='') { if (src != '') { let modal = new bumbleBox('', title, '100%', '90%', 'text'); const content = '