Clinical Aromatherapy

NOWs aromatherapy consultation is a sensory experience to support your individual needs and create a unique blend. By using a blend of essential oils and batch flowers, it can help to support your wellbeing through smell alone.

For younger children, the form is be filled out by the parent/carer asking the child/young person the relevant questions where necessary. Using your child's language (their words).

If your child is unsure how to answer the question, please complete the question yourself and make a note that these are your observations.

Please share as much information within the form for our clinical aromatherapist to tailor your unique blend.
Todays date
of person receiving aromatherapy tailored blend
of person receiving aromatherapy tailored blend
If completing for a child / young person receiving aromatherapy tailored blend
Include your post code (and any delivery information required)
Please share as much information as possible that supports the Aromatherapist to tailor a unique blend.

For a child / young persons blend, please use your child's own words where possible.
(I.e feeling sick, stomach ache, headache)
Please share as much information as possible that supports the Aromatherapist to tailor a unique blend.

For a child / young persons blend, please use your child's own words where possible.
How are your energy levels?
Please select one (Fresh or Sweet)
Please select one (Fruity or Citrus)
Please select one (Warm or Cool)
Please provide any medical information or contraindications that may effect the bespoke blend (including pregnancy, diagnosis, symptoms)
Please list any prescribed medication or natural remedies
Additional notes or any other relevant information:
I consent for the aromatherapy blend to be made from the information that I have provided above and that the information I have provided is true to best of my knowledge and belief.

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