12-14 Weeks Transform With Resilience Programme

The 12-14 weeks transformational programme has been designed to support c/yp and family members if they are in need of a longer support programme to the 6-8 weeks.

Programme overview;

  • Triage call
  • Programme journal posted 
  • Mindful colouring sheet
  • N.O.W.S dashboard log in (where to access the weekly sessions)
  • Additional support and family chat forum within your dashboard
  • Aromatherapy 30min consultation with a unique blend
  • Coaching sessions are up to 1 hour a week, virtually or via phone call within any chosen environment 
  • On completion of programme a post 4 week check in call with your N.O.W.S coach


Benefits for children, young people & families (children aged 4years +)

  • Attract opportunity with a growth mindset 
  • Understand your thoughts and feelings and create positive outcomes 
  • Change negative behaviours and limited beliefs 
  • Focusing on strengths and skills to realise your unique potential
  • Accelerating your ability to learn and retain new information
  • Facing fears and phobias and how to overcome them
  • Improve your communication with yourself and others
  • Using positive language and emotional intelligence
  • Releasing pain and trauma 
  • Learn to love and believe in yourself, building self esteem and confidence 
  • Learning wellbeing techniques to calm, focus and be in the now
  • Be resilient in any challenging times
  • Living life from limiting beliefs, negative habits, addiction, fears and phobias

Private investment per person is £1500

Private investment for up to 3 family members £4,300

To book your free 15 mins discovery session or to discuss payment options and for more information please email bookings@nowsthetimeforchange.com  


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