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Welcome to N.O.W.S

Supported over 3,000 children and young people with our virtual 1-2-1 therapeutic health-based family coaching programme. 


“I was hitting a mental burnout before starting the programme, it helped me to deal with daily battles with my own mental state.”

"I am in a much better place to help and support my son with his needs. I'm taking care of my own mental and emotional wellbeing in order to do my best for him. The team have been so kind and supportive. I highly recommend the programme, Thank you."

"I cannot thank you enough, your therapy service is very well needed, it really supported me when I felt I had no one to turn to."

"I am more confident at expressing my feelings and my bigger feelings."

Supported over 10,000 students across 300+ schools in Essex with our transition with resilience school workshops.

"Thank you for your time today, I have found the workshop fun and very informative. My feelings matter was the best affirmation!"

"My son loved his tailored aromatherapy spray, he uses it every night and other times when needed. His unique spray has had a positive impact on his wellbeing making him calmer and less anxious"



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