12-14 Weeks Trauma & Grief Programme

We see the signs of trauma all around us, often in an emotional response and state of mind where it has an impact psychologically. Trauma can be very stressful, frightening or distressing events that are difficult to cope with or out of our control. It could be one incident, or an ongoing event that happens over a long period of time. 

Trauma can happen to anyone at any age, and at any time, and experienced in different ways with varying responses, including a long time after the event has happened . Most of us will experience an event in our lives that could be considered traumatic. 

Trauma does not define you, with support and treatment, that can vary over time, we can reframe the experience and release the emotional response attached to the event. 

Understanding traumatic events and the effects;

  • Neglect and psychological, physical, or sexual abuse. 
  • Natural disasters, terrorism, army/war, and community and school violence (including trauma before your birth) 
  • Witnessing or experiencing intimate partner violence
  • Witnessing highly traumatic events, death, violence 
  • Commercial sexual exploitation
  • Serious accidents, life-threatening illness, or sudden or violent loss of a loved one
  • Lifelong disease/ life changing alterations 
  • Challenging childbirth
  • Major / sudden operations
  • Bullying (Racial)
  • Poverty / Homelessness 
  • Covid 


Understanding how trauma changes the mind immediately after the event and what affects this has on the experience;

  • (PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
  • Mental health problems 
  • Flashbacks - the event playing on loop and witnessing the event over and over again
  • Nightmares / sleep disorders
  • Strained relationships
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Self neglect / self harm 
  • Panic attacks
  • Feeling stuck / trapped 
  • Emotionally low / depressed
  • Feeling, dissociated & disconnected to the outside world
  • Delayed development within young children
  • Frightened / threatened / unsafe 
  • Humiliated 
  • Rejected / abandoned / unsupported 
  • Invalidated, for example your feelings or views have been dismissed or denied
  • Ashamed / betrayed 
  • Powerless / lack of purpose 

Our programme runs over 12-14-weeks and is tailored for ages 4+.

Its designed to inspire hope and positive transformation, whilst being coached on tools and techniques to overcome challenging life events / experiences and to thrive in everyday life. 

Programme overview;

  • Triage call
  • Programme journal posted 
  • Mindful colouring sheet
  • N.O.W.S dashboard log in (where to access the weekly sessions)
  • Additional support and family chat forum within your dashboard
  • Aromatherapy 30min consultation with a unique blend
  • Coaching sessions are up to 1 hour a week, virtually or via phone call within any chosen environment 
  • On completion of programme a post 4 week check in call with your N.O.W.S coach


Benefits for children, young people & families (children aged 4years +)

  • Working with the subconscious to transform our thoughts, believes, values & behaviours.
  • Understanding individual root causes, triggers, fears, physical symptoms & re-framing the experience / events. 
  • Working with all 5 senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
  • Regulate emotions.
  • Releasing with movement / tapping / breathing techniques.
  • Inspire confidence, self-acceptance, self-esteem and self belief.
  • Bringing back joy, gratitude motivation and compassion for self care. 
  • Using positive psychology to create communication with self and within your support network.
  • Healing from trauma at all conscious levels.
  • Managing expectations and boundaries.
  • Realigning and grounding your energy to bring you back into balance.
  • Personalised nutritional and lifestyle support.
  • Benefit from a aromatherapy consultation and tailored blend.

Investment per person is £1500

Investment for up to 3 family members £4,300

To book your free 15 mins discovery session or to discuss payment options and for more information please email bookings@nowsthetimeforchange.com  


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